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Forth Partners With MyGP

Written by Forth

January 29, 2021


Forth Partners With myGP To Offer Their Customers Home Blood Tests

Forth has recently joined forces with the UK’s largest independent healthcare management app, myGP, to offer a range of biomarker profiling home blood tests. It’s part of MyGP’s new ‘healthcare marketplace’ that includes an NHS login. The goal of the new marketplace is to empower patients to take ownership of their health by providing simpler access and a greater choice of healthcare services.

Forth have developed a bespoke landing page for myGP that connects directly to the Forth website, allowing myGP customers to easily purchase tests and view results on an innovative, personalised results dashboard via an app or Forth’s website.

The partnership includes a discount for myGP users on a range of tests including general wellbeing and male and female hormone health.

Tobias Alpsten, Founder and CEO of myGP, commented on the improved access:

 “We’re delighted to be launching our new ‘healthcare marketplace’ to provide myGP users with even more choice when it comes to their healthcare needs.” 

“We have partnered with a number of healthcare organisations across a range of sectors – from mental health to physiotherapy to wellness and nutrition – in order to offer our users simplified access to first-class healthcare services throughout the UK. We have a number of NHS partners already working with us, including Echo pharmacy and IESO online CBT, and this next group have been carefully selected to complement the NHS, they all meet our exacting partner criteria and share our ultimate goal of simplifying access to healthcare.”

It’s all part of the increasing demand from patients to have greater control over their health, as well as better and more flexible access to healthcare.

If you would like to partner with us please get in touch.