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Sarah Bolt: The Ideal life Club Podcast

Written by Forth

February 27, 2020

The ideal life club podcast meets sarah bolt

Founder and CEO of Forth, Sarah Bolt, has just wrapped up the latest episode of Michelle Reeves’ podcast: The Ideal Life Club.

From experiencing a career epiphany in her 40s, to securing half a million pound investment for Forth – all the while navigating the monumental hormonal change of menopause – Sarah shares her entrepreneurial journey and the fundamentals of starting a business as her second career after success at Dyson.

In the podcast interview, Sarah shares her thoughts on the importance of understanding what’s going on inside your body through interpreting its data, and how this can have a positive impact on multiple areas of your life.

Sarah shared:

“Speaking openly and honestly about the joys and pitfalls of starting your entire career again on a different trajectory. It’s time for more women over the age of 40 to take leaps of faith with their passions, and it was a pleasure to share that story with Michelle and her listeners.”

During the podcast, Sarah shares with listeners her own experience with menopause and why this triggered her to start Forth. From female health to endurance performance, Michelle chats to Sarah about everything Forth and Forth Edge. It’s well worth a listen.

Listen on:

iTUNES:  https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-ideal-life-club-podcast/id1449048288

PODBEAN: https://ideallifeclubpodcast.podbean.com/

SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1D3SE78ImfnwlNxvmiEcTG

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