How to collect a blood sample

Collecting a sample from the comfort of your home is quick and simple.

Watch our video to learn more:

How to video

Top tips

Collecting your finger prick blood sample is quick and easy, and each sample pack provides full instructions. To help ensure your sample is in ideal condition for our labs to test, there are a few simple things need to remember:

Watch video icon

1. Watch our how-to video

Watch our short how-to video which will take you through the process step-by-step.

Hydrate icon

2. Be well hydrated

Ensure you’re WELL HYDRATED by drinking plenty of water in the hours before the test, and a large glass of water 30 minutes before you collect your sample.

Wash hands icon

3. Warm hands

Warm your hands up by either a hot shower, or by placing your hands in warm water for around 4 minutes before taking the sample. This ensures good blood flow to the fingers.

Be gentle icon

4. Be gentle

Don’t squeeze your finger too hard as this can cause the blood cells to burst.

Fill tube icon

5. Fill to the correct line

Fill the sample tube to the marked line, and if you’ve got a purple tube in your kit you’ll need to give it a shake after every drop added to ensure the sample doesn’t clot.

Tracked 24 Icon

6. Return your sample

Post your sample on the same day as collection, between Monday and Thursday, which will ensure it gets to our labs in good time.

What’s in the kit

Simple and safe, our kits are assembled according to ISO 13485 quality management system and all items are CE marked, which means they are standardised and fully traceable.



Up to four lancets, used to puncture the fingertip.



One or two microcontainers, depending on the tests you have purchased, in which your blood sample will be collected.



Full instructions on how to collect your sample and ensure that it’s in the best possible condition for testing.


Free prepaid returns

Prepaid 24 Tracked Return envelope for sending the sample back to the Forth labs.

What happens next

Once you have taken your sample, pop it in the post using the return envelope. Follow the instructions in the above video or instructions sheet in your kit.

Blood sample collection lab

After your sample is received by our lab, your results will be available within 2 working days.

vitamin D blood test result trend on Forth app

You will then be able to view your results in the FORTH app:

App Store Google Play

We're here to help

By following the above instructions and in the guide included in your kit, 9 out of 10 customers find it quick and easy to collect a sample.

If you have any questions or issues, we are here to help.

Contact our support team

Take control of your health with home blood tests

It's time to start feeling your best with our range of home blood tests. Fast, accurate, scientific data will give you detailed insights into your health.

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