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Can I send my sample during a Bank Holiday?

We advise against posting any samples during a Bank Holiday due to any potential delays within the postal service. Before the bank holiday weekend, please collect and post your sample as normal between Monday and Thursday. After this, ideally, we would recommend waiting until after the bank holiday weekend. However, we do understand customers may wish to continue to collect the sample if this requires a certain day of collection.


  • If you have a MyForm™ (originally known as Female Hormone Mapping) test and your day 14/21 falls on Friday or Saturday of a bank holiday weekend, please collect the sample on the Thursday before.
  • If your day 14/21 falls on the Sunday or Monday of a bank holiday weekend, please collect the sample on the following Tuesday.

If the requirement of your test is to collect your sample on day 3, the same applies as above.

  • If your day 3 falls on the Friday or Saturday of a bank holiday weekend, please collect the sample on the Thursday before.
  • If your day 3 falls on the Sunday or Monday of a bank holiday weekend, please collect the sample on the following Tuesday.

For test kits which include Progesterone, the day of collection will depend on the length of your cycle.

  • If your cycle is less than 28 days, and your day 21 falls over the bank holiday weekend, please collect the sample on Thursday before the bank holiday weekend
  • If your cycle is usually more than 28 days and your day 21 falls over the bank holiday weekend, please collect the sample on the following Tuesday.

If you would prefer to wait until your next menstrual cycle to collect your sample, then this is no problem.

​Posting during a bank holiday weekend may result in your sample not reaching the lab in a reasonable time and being unable to provide a result. We would highly recommend all samples are posted into a priority post box. You can find your nearest priority post box here:

If you have any questions about your order, please email us at [email protected].

Last Updated: January 10, 2025

Blood sample collection

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