Menopause Expert

Dr Beverley Taylor

BSc Psychology, MSc Health Psychology, DHealthPsych, CPsychol

Dr beverley taylor

Our experience of menopause is not as simple as just looking at our biology, but is an interplay of our biology, psychology and social environment. Bev uses this and her knowledge of psychology and behaviour change as her basis of understanding when working with those going through menopause.

Bev is a Chartered Psychologist, obtaining a Doctorate in Health Psychology in 2010. She has worked as an academic researcher in menopause and as a research consultant developing patient reported outcomes for the pharma industry. She was instrumental in developing workplace support for those going through menopause at the GMC and has, most recently, worked as a menopause expert and coach at a menopause app. She is currently focused on how she can support those with menopause via lifestyle, education, and one-to-one support.

Bev regularly writes about psychology, menopause, and behavioural change and has attended numerous events as both a speaker and a panellist.

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